Adding Heat to a Single Room to Lessen Overall Energy Costs

Dennis Hawkins
2 min readNov 29, 2017

The Australian government estimates that about forty percent of residential energy use is devoted to heating and cooling. While installing an energy-efficient central heating system can be a good way to keep the associated costs down, there are other strategies that are also worth looking into.

In many homes, for example, heating a single room that is occupied frequently can cut back on the need to keep other parts of a structure warm. By using fuels like natural gas that also tend to be particularly affordable, Australians can sometimes lower their heating bills significantly. The kinds of gas-log heaters that are so frequently valued for their charm and character can fit the bill perfectly.

An Upgrade That Pays Off in Several Ways

For a home that is not yet equipped with any kind of a fireplace, adding a gas-log system will typically prove to be simplest option of all. Because they burn much more cleanly than stoves or heaters that consume wood to produce heat, gas-log units require less in the way of structural and safety-related accommodation.

Homeowners who choose this option generally end up benefiting in at least a few ways. Some of the most significant and common of these include:

Atmosphere. There can be no denying that a gas-log heater will liven up a room much more successfully than one based on electrical elements or the like. That will help make it more pleasant to spend time in the room that hosts the heater, making it easier to keep residents warm without heating an entire home to an excessive temperature.

Reliability. With few moving parts to fail and generally simple, well-tested designs, gas-log heaters regularly end up providing many years of service without interruption. Being able to count on a newly installed system for many years means doing away with a number of common concerns.

Economy. While a central heating system will normally outperform a gas-log heater in various respects, the single-room efficiency of this option is not to be discounted. Adding enough heat to a living space to keep occupants comfortable most of the time will help keep energy bills down in most cases.

Plenty of Appealing Choices to Look Into

Fortunately, there are many interesting models of this general kind for Australian homeowners to research and buy. An Australian made fireplace that was designed with the local climate and associated requirements in mind will almost always have a good deal to offer. That can make it even easier for homeowners to make use of this potentially valuable option.

