
@TâigíDiplomat (FormosanTW)
食甜甜開講鬥相工( Open to talk and help)

Tng leh bú--ê-Ongoing project #台文外交龜TâigíDiplomat (FormosanTW) Feel free to share any of your insight, world, the interesting/meaningful things with us台文、外交、郵政、翻譯、台配、創作有志 tng 募集 

台英B2(已經↑)、客語中級、日語基本才調(N2差聽力 tio̍h 過),客委會專案助理、台英翻譯(部份貢獻 leh Meta以台語訓練 ê 口譯軟體)、慈林英語導覽志工(台灣民主運動館...),最近出外幾個月,四界蹛人厝—lih,做個人ê台文外交,台向東出發西向台行地球一輾四萬幾公里,過澳洲Melbourne, 美國New York, 瑞典Stockholm, 丁抹(Denmark) København …

Maker DIY糕餅、畫圖動畫配音、寫作等,練身體進行中!

I'm also working with the hospitality platform like this:https://revpub.gcdo.org/ or further to organize the people to bring the change and to challenge the mainstream social media, join us!

The Medium I'm updating~