Stephen Gately revealed in his last interview that he had discovered God and was desperate to have kids.

A fortnight before his death, he told the Irish Mirror he wanted to adopt a child with partner Andrew Cowles.

He said: “I know there’s a heaven and I won’t be truly complete until I have children. That’s my biggest dream.

“Andrew and I have talked about it and it would really fulfil us. It’s definitely something I want in the future.”

He also insisted that he wasn’t a party animal or a big drinker.  “There were temptations in Boyzone but we’ve never been into hard drugs.

“There can be a bit of drinking when we get together for a big night out but that’s only very rarely.

“I try and stay healthy and go to the gym a couple of times a week and watch what I eat.

“I’m not into booze in a big way. I can’t stand the hangovers but enjoy a few glasses of wine to let my hair down.”

And the singer revealed how he had found a “spiritual contentment” and prayed to God every day.

“It has come out more in the last year or so. I believe in God and a higher source.”

The star said he had found true joy from his relationship with his husband Andrew. “It has taken me to a new level of happiness. I am complete.”

He also paid tribute to manager Louis Walsh. Stephen said: “He was like a second father to me and is amazing.”

Stephen was ecstatic about Boyzone’s comeback.

“When we split up I felt like I had lost my family. Now I’m on top of the world.”