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Former Red Sox manager Bobby Valentine just inked a deal to write a tell-all book.
Former Red Sox manager Bobby Valentine just inked a deal to write a tell-all book.

Oh, this should be rich.

Fired Red Sox manager Bobby Valentine just inked a deal with Simon & Schuster to publish his baseball memoirs in a tome entitled “Valentine’s Way.”

The volatile ex-skipper promises to spill “his perspective on last season with the Red Sox.” Well, we just can’t wait to read all about it!

Valentine is writing the book with sports journalist Brad Lefton, who covers baseball in Japan, where Bobby was the manager of the Japan Series-winning Chiba Lotte Marines, and Dr. Robert Lefton, a leadership expert. Which is rather ironic considering the failure of leadership during the stormy 2012 season …

Anyway, the beleaguered Red Sox brass should probably brace themselves for another pounding. In January, former manager Terry Francona let John Henry, Tom Werner and Larry Lucchino have it in his book, “Francona: The Red Sox Years.”

Tito described the Fenway triumvirate as meddling busybodies who were obsessed with TV ratings, distracted by their Liverpool soccer team and demanding sexier players.

Considering Bobby’s track record of blaming everyone but himself for last season’s debacle, “Valentine’s Way” is shaping up to be a must-read!