[聯署聲援] 爆發大量職業病,惡鮭魚鉅明溜回台灣,大牌愛迪達獎勵下單! 勞團要求賠償工人,並確實改善勞動條件    Cross-Straits Labor Organizations Demand Just Compensation for Guangzhou Workers Victimized by Taiwanese Owned Supplier to Adidas




更有甚者,勞工團體還在愛迪達的另一家供應商:台資興鵬國際股份有限公司在香港成立九興控股有限公司,其在中國設廠成立的東莞興昂鞋業有限公司中發現3名職業性苯中毒工人,兩名工人罹患苯引致的職業性白血病(亦即血癌),需長期住院治療,情況嚴重;一名工人更已於2013年3月不幸去世。工人中毒後,工廠一直在診斷前醫療費、停工留薪期工資、護理費等工傷待遇上支付不足,對待工人態度惡劣。 2010年愛迪達的安全生產守則已列明禁止其供應商使用苯、甲苯等高毒性、容易被人體吸收的有害物質。可是,其供應商仍一直使用含苯的有毒有機溶劑生產,3名工人工作的車間的環境檢測報告都指出空氣中含苯。愛迪達在宣稱禁用苯後,卻還有工人苯中毒,真的是應驗了其品牌的呼籲「沒有不可能的事」(Nothing is Impossible)!愛迪達對其供應商的勞動安全監管不力,流於型式,實在可恥!


7月15日早上10時30分,全球化監察將會聯同台灣多個勞工團體和中國大陸的職業病受害工人,還有印尼聯合工會GSBI 會組織印尼PDK 工人,一起前往當地的愛迪達辦事處或旗艦店抗議,進行中、港、台、印尼四地聯合行動,要求:

1. 盡快給3名鉅明股份有限公司疑似苯中毒的女工送院接受職業病治療;
2. 公平公正處理鉅明股份有限公司餘下6名手臂振動病患者工傷賠償問題;
3. 公平公正處理興鵬國際股份有限公司、九興控股有限公司、東莞興昂鞋業有限公司下3名職業性苯中毒工人在治療、工傷待遇和賠償問題;
4. 愛迪達成立工傷職業病基金,保障職業病工友及其受影響家庭;
5. 愛迪達接受勞工團體的監督,共同對旗下供應商勞動條件與工序全面監測與改善;
6. 要求鉅明保證改善勞動條件與工序,並接受勞工團體的監督,絕對不在台灣的工廠重蹈覆轍。



Faced with Outbreak of Compensation Claims due to Occupational Diseases, Taiwanese Owned Dynamic Precision Jumps Ship Back to Taiwan!
Cross-Straits Labor Organizations Demand Justice Compensation for Guangzhou Workers Victimized by Taiwanese Owned Supplier to Adidas

Dynamic Precision Ltd. is a Taiwanese company that, until March of this year, produced golf clubs at its factory in Guangzhou (Dynamic Casting Company Ltd.) a supplier for Adidas, the world renowned producer of recreational sports equipment.  Due to deplorable labor conditions, neglect of labor protec-tions, in all 110 workers contracted various occupational diseases including Pneumoconiosis,Deafness, Benzolism,and (constituting the greatest in number) Hand/Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAV).
These illnesses resulted in unavoidable and detrimental impacts on workers’ health. However, the Taiwanese owned Dynamic Precision Ltd., in an effort to save on costs associated with compensation, chose to compel workers to sever their labor relationship (i.e. give up any claims to future salary or com-pensation) in exchange for paying off workers with a one time ‘settlement’.  Nonetheless, over a dozen workers have insisted on securing a just settlement in accordance with China’s legal statutes and proce-dures.  Dynamic Precision management has adopted a reprehensible attitude toward these remaining workers seeking justice in accordance with Chinese law, starting with its sudden decision to close the factory and return to Taiwan, wage losses that compelled workers to have to look for work elsewhere, and consistently refusing to discuss or negotiate the matter and, in a show of utter disdain for workers’ rights, sending thugs in to rough up these workers. Dynamic Precision claims to pride itself on its ‘core corporate values’ of “Health, Harmony, Innovation, and Flexibility”. For its workers in Guangzhou, in reality this maxim was experienced as “Ruining Health, Wrecking Harmony, Blocking Innovation, and Stuck in the Past”!
This Taiwanese company closed its Guangzhou factory in March and announced its intent to return production back to Taiwan. Additionally, to date Adidas has not subjected Dynamic Precision to any kind of financial repercussions. In fact Adidas has only added its purchase orders from Dynamic Precision. This is truly irresponsible! As labor organizations, we have called on Adidas to make changes in its poli-cies toward such suppliers across China, by establishing a fund for compensating health care expenses that workers face due to industrial diseases, prohibit any factory operations that harm workers, and im-plement feasible guarantees of industrial health and safety. However, Adidas has consistently refused to answer such calls, nor made needed changes. We regard this kind of behavior as unbecoming of business leaders and are profoundly disappointed.

(Video of workers in Dynamics Casting speaking out about their occupational diseases:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DiQS1Nvuwcs)

Chinese labor NGOs have noted another case of a Adidas supplier: calls Dongguan Xingang (Stella International Holdings Limited in Hong Kong), whose parent company is Stella Footware (Taiwan), in-volving 3 workers who have experienced Benzyne poisoning. The situation is very grave. 1 worker died in March. Upon being poisoned, Dongguan Xingang has taken a hostile posture toward these workers and refused to cover the costs for diagnosis, lost salary due to illness, and at-home nursing care. In 2010, Adidas’ Safe Production Regulations already clearly prohibit the use of Benzene and Methylbenzene in production, as they poison workers when they breathe in these chemicals. However, Chinese workers use organic solvents that contain Benzene to clean and shine many products, causing them great physical harm and danger.  An environmental audit of the shop floor where the 3 workers worked noted the de-tection of Benzene in the air content.  Even though Adidas has prohibited use of these chemical toxins, Chinese workers at their suppliers continue to contract Benzene poisoning, ironically proving true their trademark slogan “Nothing is Impossible”! Adidas’ lax supervision of its suppliers in China is nothing short of shameless.

Besides the irresponsibility it has demonstrated in China, Adidas’ production practices in Indonesia make workers there suffer. Since July last year, 1300 Indonesian PDK (Adidas supplier) workers in Ja-karta have been on strike demanding unpaid wages and better working condition, but they haven’t been able to get a penny to date. We do not accept that a leading brand like Adidas keeps silent about obliga-tions to workers at their suppliers around the world!

On July 15th, at 10:30 a.m., Globalization Monitor (HK) will conduct a protest across the Taiwan Strait (Hong Kong, Taipei, Guangzhou, Jakarta) in coordination with Taiwanese labor organizations and Mainland Chinese workers victimized by Taiwanese owned Dynamic Precision Ltd. Indonesia PDK workers organized by GSBI will also demonstrate in Jakarta in support of Chinese workers victim-ized by Taiwanese suppliers to Adidas. We will go to Adidas offices and outlets, putting forth the fol-lowing demands:

1) Immediately give the 3 women workers employed by Dynamic Casting who are suffering from Benzene poisoning needed hospital treatment for associated occupational diseases.
2) Fairly and justly resolve the compensation claims made by the remaining 6 cases of workers employed by Dynamic Casting who are suffering from HAVS.
3) Dynamic Precision Ltd. guarantee it will reform work conditions and labor practices in its factories, accept  monitoring by Taiwanese labor NGOs, and ensure that it will absolutely not subject Taiwanese workers to the disastrous conditions it imposed on workers in Guang-zhou.
4) Fairly and justly address the health care needs and compensation for 3 workers suffering from Benzene Poisoning at the Taiwanese owned Dongguan Xingang Shoe Factory (Stella International Holdings Limited).
5) Adidas establish an industrial disease compensation fund and guarantees the workplace safety of Chinese workers at its supplier factories in China.
6) Adidas carry out an industry wide production practices reform and agree to inspections by labor NGOs.


Dynamic Precision has acted like a reproachable company, abandoning Guangzhou’s workers and returned to Taiwan. It’s entirely possible it will bring back the same reprehensible attitude it displayed in China toward its workers in Taiwan. We expect that Adidas will take seriously its commitment to corporate social responsibility, monitor carefully the treatment of all who work for Dynamic Precision across the Taiwan Straits, and immediately address the needs of workers who have suffered from occupational illnesses due to Dynamic Precisions’ production practices.  

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