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Zenfone 9 Ohrlautsprecher defekt (Softwareproblem?)

Seit ca. 3 Wochen funktioniert mein Ohrlautsprecher am Zenfone 9 nicht mehr. Ich kann nur noch über Lautsprecher telefonieren.Habe den Ohrlautsprecher tauschen lassen, funtioniert immer noch nicht. Scheinbar ist das auch kein unbekanntes Problem. Auc...

Why don't we have the same aod as the pixel?

From what I've seen, the rog ui is basically just a mix between the google pixel's os and some features from Asus themselves, but why won't they add all the features from the pixel because when I upgraded to android 14 I really expected to get the ne...

Chosö by Star I
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ASUS Update佔用CPU和記憶體

電腦啟動後開起工作管理員發現這三項程序一直佔用CPU和記憶體開起內容後發現AsusCrashHandler64.exe(檔案位置:C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Update\這個程式一直在執行重新啟動後情況依舊如此...請問如何處理?Armoury Crate 版本:作業系統:Windows 11 專業版/版本:23H2硬體規格 CPU:Intel Core i9-14900K 3.20 GHz主機板:ROG MAXIMUS Z79...



Phone: Zenfone 9, not rootedBuild number: WW_34.0304.2004.108自從購買 Zenfone 9 以來,我注意到藍牙音量非常低,即使設定為最大也是如此。 即使在 Android 13 中也存在此問題。 我將其範圍縮小到“藍牙音量控制”部分中名為“絕對音量”和“獨立音量”的功能。 理論上,這應該允許用戶獨立於設備本身的音量控制(如果有)來控制其設備的音量。 但是,某些裝置(例如我購買的 Ugreen AUX 藍牙適配器)無法識別華碩的實現,並且...

急!!!!ZenFone 7 pro 螢幕摔壞 澳洲維修

您好,目前使用zenfone7 pro 8g/256g今天在雪梨不小心把螢幕摔壞了,想問下雪梨是否有可以修理zenfone7的地方因為手機裡還是有些憑證要回到國內才能再拿到,有些app也只能用原手機掃QRCODE才能更換,目前最快也要明年才能回到國內想向大家尋求協助...

Problems installing NPSS on Debian 12

I am running Debian 12 on two NUC 12s (NUC12WSHi5).  One works perfectly; the other periodically (every few weeks?) locks up, requiring a power cycle to recover.  It is lightly loaded and doesn't appear to be overheating, but there is no useful infor...

dalbert by Visitor
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